Friday, 30 October 2020

Paper Helicopters

 Today we made paper

helicopters. We had lots fun it toke me 5 min. What you will need  is a strip of paper and a paper clip. First you have to fold the paper in half then put the paper clip on the bottom then fold the to top sides evenly. You can put stickers on it and then drop it from off a chair. I did this because it was a reading task from my teacher because it related with my reading.        

Friday, 16 October 2020

Micro Bits

 On Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday Mr kinane.  Came to teach us how to yous micro bits. On Monday we made the micro bits make shapes and on Tuesday we made the micro bits send messages  to each other and to see how many steps away we could go from each other my one made it 58 steps. On Wednesday we made a gate open by a click of a button we had to yous a crikit   to make it work my one did not work but the next time we did it I did get it going.

Here is the link to micro bit you can use a virtual micro bit to  micro bit