Friday, 28 May 2021

Cross Country

 On Thursday we did cross Country. The run was hard. The year five and six had to run four laps and that was 2.2km and I came 1st and next wednesday I am going to West Coast Cross Country in Kumara. I am looking forward to it,  it's going to be so much fun.


Have you done  cross Country before? Do you like Cross Country?

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Recount, True or false

 We have been learning how to write fiction. We had to write two Recounts, one true and one false.To write a good false/fiction story it has to be really believable and convincing.

This was so much fun and hard because I had to stand up in front of the  class and read out my Recount, then the class had to vote on which one was true or false..

Have you ever done this before and would you do it again.