Thursday, 27 August 2020

Bubble Animation

Today Piwkawawaka went into kotaku. Ben, Mateus and me all made an animation of were our partner wants to go to in a bubble. 


  1. Hi Lincoln, you have made a great job of Mateus in his bubble animation. He looks like he is enjoying his journey. Were you in Kotuku to show Mateus how to make an animation? Do you think he learnt lots? what did he show you?

  2. Hi Linc I saw these on Kotokus Class Blog. I think its awesome you got to share your skills with your buddies in Kotoku. I love the idea of floating in a bubble to your favourite place. I would go to the beach and float above the waves as the roll into the shore. It would be fun if we could fit in there together and watch Hugh chase us. From Mum.


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