Friday, 4 September 2020


This is my collage. To make it we had to get pictures and then you crop to cut things of the pictures and  put them together to make somethings like  this. It took me about 30 min. The arms are made of guns and the hands are gloves, the legs are robot legs the cap is a head that is attached to the shoulder- horns. The body is an chest of one of the bots off Castle in the Sky and the head is a gas mask.    


  1. Hi Linc this dude is cool. Whats his name? I really enjoyed you showing me this and explaining how you did it and what all his parts are from. Is he a good guy or a bad guy?

  2. Hi lincoln, This reminds me of a TRANSFORMER. Do you have any of those? You have done an excellent job on combining all the parts. He looks evil, is he??


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