Thursday, 30 April 2020

Rabbit sushi

I made rabbit sushi it was fun. To make it you cut small bits of veges and a cucumber. Cut out the  middle of the  cucumber and push the veges in it and cut the ends off, slice into circles and eat.


  1. What a great idea Lincoln. I might try that with my rabbit. Did your Rabbit enjoy its sushi? What is your rabbits name? I have two rabbits. A flemish giant called Cruz and a minilop called Pippi.

  2. Hi Lincoln, yum!!, I reckon I could eat that as well. You must spoil your rabbit. Is it a boy or a girl? What is it's name?

  3. Hi Lincoln
    I was pleasantly surprised when I saw your lovely photos, because I was thinking 'rabbit sushi'! I am so pleased that it's completely vegetarian and I am sure your rabbit enjoyed it! Does your rabbit like cuddles?

  4. Hi Lincoln

    I am looking at this lovely dish with envy, this looks good enough for me to eat. Your rabbit is very lucky to get cordon bleu dining! Those are lovely photos that you have included. Perhaps you could edit your post to give a little more information about your rabbit. How long have you had it, its name? What other food do you feed your rabbit? This information would help to engage your reader more in your post and they would stay for longer on your blog and hopefully read more of your interesting work.

    Mrs H

  5. Hi Lincoln Did your rabit like the sushi? It looks like fun. If you do it another time you could put diffrent veges. Renny


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